With the fall of the so-called medieval Christendom and of Christian Europe, the forces of desolation turned its fangs on the Americas and particularly, the United States. With the recent events in the United States, culminating in a charade of elections, someone remarked that the USA has finally fallen. But the truth is that, the eagle among the nations, the land of the free, the model of all democracies, the United States of America, has been under a siege. This siege is subtle and has been seething for decades. Those who laid the siege are a network of powerful men and women who want to do away with the principles of divine law and the natural law, upon which the traditions and values of western society and civilization are based. The weaponry of this siege is a perverted but persistent propaganda, which spreads disorientation and distortions of truth and reality. Its principal agencies are the media and political infiltration. In the same way that the same cartel infiltrated the Catholic Church and has been attacking it from within itself, they also infiltrated the United States, and are now trying to pull it down, with its own citizens. (Note that: President-elect, Joe Biden is a Catholic;, Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is a Catholic; Supreme Court Chief Judge, John Roberts, is also a Catholic; but they are actually ‘unbelieving’ Catholics) The perpetrators are the same! The strategy is the same! The goal is the same! Namely: to put an end to society as we know it today, as fashioned by the Christian worldview, the civilization informed by Christendom, and to bring about a new normal, a new world; as fashioned by a humanist worldview and its socialist elites, with an atheist ethos; that is, a new world not informed by Christ but by an amorphous humanism, a perverted fraternity and the socialist ideology. They hope to put an end to every voice or force, strong enough to rise against tyranny and evil; as epitomized in the Catholic Church — from the religious front and the USA — from the political front.
This is the hidden battle that raged in the disputed 2020 US elections. With an election that many eminent Americans describe as ‘fraudulent’ and ‘stolen’, leading to the departure of President Trump from the oval office, it is clear that America has been captured by the same forces of desolation and disorientation that laid waste the thousand-year-old Christian civilization of Europe. The persistence and vehemence of the attacks on Donald Trump and millions of his supporters, aims at breaking the will and resilience of the American people. The senseless censorship and mockery of the president of the United States, even by social media giants, is a form of desacralization, as well as a signal that there are no more sacred cows. Everyone will be subjected to censorship and control. You either fall in line or you will be jetted out. Now that America has fallen to the will and whims of leftist socialists and globalists, everyone ought to gird his loins, because, as America is crippled, the rest of the nations would be bullied to follow, to fall in line.
As earlier indicated, I am sadly aware that the US Congress has certified the election of Mr. Joe Biden as president-elect of the United States, against the second term bid of incumbent President Donald J. Trump, in spite of enormous, unprecedented and obvious irregularities that marred the elections in favour of Joe Biden. While I am saddened by such a bad omen that has befallen the world, I am not surprised that it happened, given that many people have not yet realised what the stakes are and what the two candidates actually respectively represent. One does not need a prophet to tell what the mission of Donald Trump is (or was) and why the whole forces of globalists, liberalists and leftists all over the world, are united against him. From his actions, while in office, and as implied in his ‘America First’ mantra, it is clear that Trump stood for the sovereignty and independence of nations and indigenous peoples; Trump stood for the traditional moral values of the Christian west; Trump stood for the defence of the rights of Christians and persecuted ethnic or religious minorities; Trump stood for an end or at least, a moderation to the culture of death in its many forms.
Trump was a stronghold against the global agenda advancing socialism and its values upon western societies; Trump was the one single formidable force against the use of Covid to destroy lives and livelihoods and to subject humanity to a new form of slavery called the new normal; Trump was the boldest foe of both militant Islam and the tyranny of liberalism; Trump was a symbol of opposition to the violation of the right to conscience and to self-determination embodied by Obamacare. Trump was not entangled by anything or anyone, any need or guilt. Therefore, he could confront anyone. He could scold China. He could call out Russia. He could tame North Korea. He could confront the UN. He could challenge the political establishment, the Deep State. He could defund NATO and WHO. He could call the big-tech media and social media giants by their well-deserved name ‘fake news’. For these and similar stances, they all feared and hated him. But it was also for these and similar reasons that many began to see Trump as a Godsent.
The democrats and their godfathers — the global ruling elites — by their actions, give impression of hatred for Donald Trump, but deep down, it can be seen that they actually fear him. Let’s look at these facts to see the connections. The same people who hate Trump also hate Israel. But Trump was mot cowed, he did not join them as Barak Obama did. Trump stood with the Israelis and endorsed Jerusalem as Israel’s God-given capital. They also hate God and want Him thrown out of the public life of society, but on the contrary, Trump calls Jesus Christ ‘Our Lord and Saviour’ and insists that ‘in America we worship God’. At the Krasiński Square in Warsaw, in July 2017, Trump reminded the polish people and the American people that, as did their forebears ‘We Want God’. He added “Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty”. But the globalists hate this, because they want everyone under their apron strings, in spite of your nationality. In January 2020, at Davos, the 50th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, Trump did not fear the ‘big guys’ who rule the world from their bedrooms, he insisted on defending the freedom of families and the sovereign rights of nations. At the same Davos, the ‘big guys’ vowed to deal with him. When Chinese Catholics and other Christians are persecuted and the Pope chooses to be silent, Trump would speak up and do something. When they say ‘Mr. President, Happy Holidays’ he would respond ‘Merry Christmas’. When State Governors open abortion clinics but close Churches as ‘unessential service provider’, Trump would have the Churches opened as ‘very essential service providers’ So, they despised and hated him more than anything else.
Clearly, Trump did not play along with the political establishment, the Deep State, the global elites, the unseen powers and persons who rule the rulers of nations. He chose to honour God and to stand with us, the ordinary people. Clearly too, he is being made to pay dearly for it. Unfortunately, some of us are joining them to mock him. But the truth is that they actually fear Trump and dread him, because they cannot control him as they do other world leaders. Trump is naturally bigger and stronger than them. They could not pocket him or intimidate him. So, the best they could do was to malign him and rig him out of office, even though at least a hundred million Americans love him and are ready to follow him anytime and even to suffer persecution on account of him.
Indeed, there is something about Trump that cannot be denied. He was not a politician. He tried once and at once took the presidency and used his term to wake Americans up. They say he is not a Church goer, but he has turned America back to God. His MAGA rallies has united Traditional Catholics and Conservative Evangelicals, giving rise to an unprecedented movement of tens of millions of people in America alone. However, only time will fully unveil the motives behind their vehement hatred of Trump, for which they wanted him out of the White House by any means and at all cost. For four years, they used all kinds of falsehood to remove him, but failed. Yet, when they rigged the election and certified Joe Biden as president-elect and Trump pledged a smooth transition, they still went ahead to try to impeach him, with just 13 days left. This kind of hatred is obviously unnatural and inhuman. Something else may be behind it. Time will tell! The future will vindicate. They may have taken the White House, but God has not finished yet. Meanwhile, I still stand with Donald J. Trump.
Michael Richmond Duru
30th October 2020