THE FLOOD AND THE FIRE — Exploring the Lord’s Motives for the Coming Tribulations of the Earth and Chastisements of the Just!

Michael Richmond Duru
6 min readApr 3, 2022


1. ‘But Why Would God Permit the Travails of His Creation?

But why would there be the tribulation of the earth and the chastisement of the elects of God in the end-time? Why would there be testing and trial for both believers and non-believers? Why the purgation and the purification — why would the earth be purged and the people purified? Why would the world and its peoples be chastised with many sorrows? Why would a good God, a loving father, who is all-powerful and all-good permit the outbreak of deadly plagues, bloody persecutions and destructive catastrophes in his own world and on his own children, without using his power to stop them?

These are examples of the kind of questions and inquisitions that rise up in the mind of people — Christians and non-Christians alike — when they read the biblical warnings of the terrific events that would mark the end-times and the Lord’s return; or — these days — when they hear about the outbreak of plagues or outburst of natural disasters or of worldwide pandemics that mutate from weak variants to stronger variants, even after a relatively successful worldwide vaccination campaign. In the face of these and similar painful situations — present with us or yet to come — people tend to worry and wonder what could be the motives of God that warrant such situations.

In keeping with the unfailing standard of Sacred Scriptures and the profitable counsel of human understanding, we can trust that the tribulation of the earth and the chastisement of the just at the end-times are both necessary and profitable. The tribulations and chastisements are inevitable, not only because the satisfaction of the justice of God demands them, but also because they are salvific — they would bear the fruit of salvation. The trials of the end-time will bring with them also God’s plan of reparatory and redeeming providence, like a last grace of awakening and redemption. God’s love will let many be reborn and regenerated in the fires of tribulation. Let’s add that these long-prophesied tribulation of the earth and chastisement of the just, would be necessitated by purposes such as the underlisted:

2. Exploring the Motives of the Coming Travails!

1. At its utmost and by every means, the devil — the enemy of God and of the good — and his allies, will unleash his wrath against God and against the good. The devil and fans will have the opportunity unleash their final onslaught, in a worldwide diabolic attempt to destroy God’s children and God’s creation. His time is short! So, evil will run its course — first discreetly, and later openly — by every possible agency including the Church. In this way it would exhaust itself and thus become due for devolution, extirpation and annihilation.

2. True Faith in the true God will be tested and proven for everyone everywhere — Christian or non-Christian. In this process, the true Church will be persecuted and purged, the true believers will be chastised and purified. Testing will probe and prune the faithful! As the apocalypse warns, the lukewarm will be spewed out. The hot will part with the cold. There will be no fence to sit on. There will be no indecision or alternative choices. The goat will be pulled out of the sheepfold. The weed will be burnt and the wheat barned. The travails of the time will make indecision, vacillation impossible. In the end, the just will ascend into heaven, the unjust will descend into hell.

3. The whole truth of everything — and the Truth himself — will become known to everyone. Also, the whole falsehood — and the Liar himself — will be exposed to everyone. The Light will manifest itself and the Darkness will be revealed to everyone. Light will dispel darkness! Certainty will come and doubts will be dissipated from everyone. Then each and every one will have a last chance to make a choice between God and the Devil, between good and evil, between light and darkness, between heaven and hell. One last chance!

4. By overriding prodigies and unparalleled perplexities, God will manifest His existence, his power and his victory to everyone. The owner of the vineyard will manifest. The Almighty One will tame the world, Satan and evil and prove his Lordship, authorship and ownership of all creation. The LORD will silence the LIAR. As in the past, in due hour, he who made all things will revoke creation and the dying world. But, for his undying love, he will recreate it. He will revive it, renew it and restore it to life and splendour!

5. His travails will draw mankind back to his creator, who is his father and his God. Plagues and pandemics will trail mankind, but to awaken him. Trials and terrors will trigger him to rethinking, repentance, reparation and return. Chastisements will chasten both humanity and his empires. Turmoils will purge the earth of sin. When everything has failed, when nothing can help, the remnant will turn to the only thing that is: his creator, his father, his God.

6. After these events, will then be fulfilled the prophecy of a new heaven and a new earth. The old will give way for the new, the false for the true, the weed for the wheat, the goat for the sheep, the unjust for the just, corruption to incorruption. Then will be restored the paradise given to man at his creation. Then the Will of the Almighty will be done in all and by all. Then the lion and the lamb will ally and the bear will eat grass. Then the duality of desires will end and the mind will rule the Will — so that, at last, man can do the good he desires and avoid the evil he detests. Then will sickness and sorrow cease. Then will man’s imperfection and corruption be healed. Then death will die.

3. From Travails to Triumph!

Can we say then that the testing and the chastening will come to make whole the world and to prove the elect, just as gold is proven by fire; and so that they would become even more precious than gold? Yes, we can say so! Can we say then that the floods and the fires of the tribulations will not be the triumph of evil, but would bring the triumph of good! Yes we can say so, too! There is no doubt that the sins of this age have surpassed those of the previous ages of history and existence. The chastisements have therefore been made necessary to satisfy the righteous justice of God and to awaken and to save, as many as possible, those who now slumber in the bosom of evil and in the comfort of diabolical deception. In the end, the victory of Jesus Christ will be proven and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of the woman will be realised. Can we say then: Maranatha! Come, Lord Jesus! Your kingdom come! Your will be done on earth as it is done in heaven! Amen!

Michael Richmond Duru
9th May 2020



Michael Richmond Duru
Michael Richmond Duru

Written by Michael Richmond Duru

Michael Richmond Duru is an Igboman. From Amaulu, Mbieri clan. His Igboland is in the gulf of West Africa. A priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri. Lives in Rome.

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