The Book of Truth — An Introduction to Maria Divine Mercy’s Messages About the Events of the of End-Time

Michael Richmond Duru
10 min readApr 5, 2022


“Do not extinguish the Spirit. Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things. Hold fast to what is good.” (1Thess 5:20)

This is intended to serve as a brief introduction to the book called The Book of Truth — which can be found online in audio and print versions. The Book of Truth is a five-volume set of books containing divine Messages or messages from heaven to an Irish Catholic lay-woman who uses the name Maria Divine Mercy in place of her real name, as instructed by Jesus Christ in the Messages she received. The name perhaps indicates that she is continuing the work started by St. Maria Faustina Kowalska, the Secretary of the Divine Mercy Devotion. Maria Divine Mercy received these Messages starting from the 9th of November 2010 until 2015. Though these Messages have not received Ecclesiastical approval (and may not do so soon), some of the messages have already been fulfilled and can be verified.

Here, we must remember, that it is not the approval of the Church that makes a message authentic. The Church only affirms that a message is authentic, after it has discerned it to be so. Therefore, messages that have not yet been approved, are not necessarily condemned. They are left to the private discretion and discerning spirit of individual believers. Though many individuals have made their own verdicts — some approving it and others disapproving it — the Church herself has not yet made any categorical decision on these Messages. But it is to the credit of these Messages, that a lot of the things it predicted have already been fulfilled, including the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, some of the activities of Pope Francis and especially the plot to introduce a worldwide vaccine that will kill many people, possibly following the current coronavirus pandemic.

The messages are believed to be step by step, detailed explanations of the meaning of the contents of the seven seals and other hidden mysteries of the Book of Revelation as well as the sealed words and book of the Book of Daniel. Recall: Then I saw a scroll in the right hand of the One seated on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals. (Revelation 5:1). Recall: When the seven thunders had spoken, I was about to put it in writing. But I heard a voice from heaven saying: Seal up what the seven thunders have said, and do not write it down. (Revelation 10:4). Recall: But you, Daniel, shut up these words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will roam to and from, and knowledge will increase. (Daniel 12:4). These hidden book and messages concerning the end of time, have now been revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary to Maria Divine Mercy in The Book of Truth.

I would hope and urge that people approach this book and its messages with open mind and heart, a discerning and docile spirit to discern true divine revelation and take action where they deem necessary. I hope that people would be open to the reality of the phenomena of visions and revelations and prophecies that have ever been part and parcel of God’s relationship with man. I hope that people’s faith have grown and mature enough to handle the uncompromising revelations made in the Messages. I hope that people will have the patience to listen or read the messages, at least in segments. There are 1,250 public messages and 170 prayers given to Maria Divine Mercy. I hope that the messages would help people to understand the times we now live in and possibly prepare themselves and those around them for whatever is God’s plan for the world — whatever it is. I urge people to listen to the audio books or read the prints. Who knows what one would make of them? The audio books are on YouTube etc, the paper books are also sold online.

Though some individual churchmen do not accept the divine origin of the messages of Maria Divine Mercy, some others believe that the messages are worthy of attention and even a source of joy and insight. While some think that it incites fear, other think it is a message of hope. It shows there is still hope for the Church (terribly battered, these days), it shows there is still hope for sinful souls. It shows that God is thinking of millions of young people in everywhere, who do not even know that God exists. It shows us God’s plan to gather all his creatures from all races and religions back into the True Faith. It opens our eyes to the activities of the Evil one today and in the future. It shows us God’s plan to restore the paradise lost by Adam. (Read Revelation chapter 22). It shows there is still hope for the world. It shows the unfathomable love of God the Father and Jesus His Son, and of the Blessed Virgin for lost and sinful humanity. It is a promise of a new world in place of this miserable one. (Read also Revelation chapter 21).

Therefore, the Message of the Second Coming of the Christ, the Saviour, should not frighten anyone. They should rather make people joyful. Maria Divine Mercy’s Messages are given to help us prepare for the events of the end time and to be worthy of God’s gift of a new paradise — the new heaven and the new earth. Recall: “But according to his promise we are waiting for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.” (2 Peter 3:13). Since the promise of a new heaven and a new earth is real, as the Scriptures show and as the Messages assure, then humanity should rather pray that it may come and come quickly. Little wonder the old Advent song prays: Come, Lord Jesus, the light is dying, the night keeps crying: Come, Lord Jesus!!!

The Messages of Maria Divine Mercy, interestingly and without doubt are closely related to those of several other Messages, which the Church has not only approved but has propagated. In fact, the Messages are somewhat a continuation and an elaboration of the Messages of the Marian Apparitions of Fatima 1917, La Salette 1846, Quito 1594, Lourdes 1858, Knock 1879, Garabandal 1961, Kibeho November 28 1981, Medjugorje 1981, Akita 1973 and maybe even Guadalupe 1531, etc.

As well as, they more or less re-echo the visions and prophecies of several Church-approved Saints and Mystics, such as: St. Francis of Assisi — Italian religious, stigmatist, visionary and father of the Franciscan Order; St. Malachy — 11th century prophet and miracle worker, first Irish Saint, Archbishop of Armagh and visionary of the famous las 112 popes; St. Faustina — Polish nun and mystic, called the Apostle and Secretary of the Devine Mercy devotion; Luisa Piccarreta — 20th century Italian lay woman, mystic and victim-soul, called the “little daughter of the Divine Will” devotion; Magdalena Gornik — the 19th century Slovenian lay woman, mystic and victim-soul who lived for 47 years without earthly food.

In some ways, they re-echo the prophecies of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich — the 20th century German lay Augustinian stigmatist, ecstatic and visionary, called the greatest seer of all times, who could see past, present and future events; Blessed Elena Aiello — the 20th century Italian nun, visionary and victim-soul, founder of the Sisters of Sisters of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ; Fr. Stefano Gobbi — the 20th century Italian priest and locutionist of the Marian Movement of Priests and the Blue Book. They also resonate in the recent case of Fr. Michel Rodrigue, a Canadian priest — who has been called an apostle of the last times — who from 2019 has been releasing similar messages he received from God, the Virgin and the Saints.

We see similar warnings, in different wordings in the messages of past great servants of God, such as: (Blessed Mother Speranza di Gesù (1893–1983) the Spanish nun and founder of the Congregation of Merciful Love); Elizabeth Kindelmann (1913–1985) Hungarian lay woman, wife, mother, mystic and visionary of the Flame of Love Movement; Alicja Lenczewska (1934–2012) Polish lay woman, teacher, mystic and member of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement; Edson Glauber (1972–2021) — Brazilian visionary of the Itapiranga Apparitions of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in one of the Amazonian jungles Brazil; and many others.

There are also many living visionaries and seers in the Church today, who speak of very similar things and in some instances even announce the same things. Some of them already have the approval or operational permission or imprimatur of their bishops. The messages we hear from them, on behalf of heaven, in many instances or on many issues, resonate those of Maria Divine Mercy’s Book of Truth. Among these living messengers of heaven, we can count: Barnabas Nwoye — Nigerian visionary, religious and seer of the Precious Blood Apostolate and devotion; Luz de María de Bonilla — Costa Rican lay woman, wife, mother, mystic, stigmatist, ecstatic, prophet, visionary and Third Order Augustinian; Marco Ferrari — Italian stigmatist and seer of the Apparitions of Brescia, and inspirator of the “Oases of the Mother of Love”; Pedro Régis — Brazilian visionary, Marian seer of Our Lady of Anguera; Gisella Cardia — Italian lay woman and Marian seer of Trevignano Romano; Martin Gavenda — Slovakian seer, principal visionaries of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Help; Valeria’s Copponi — Italian woman, wife and Marian messenger; Eduardo Ferreira — Brazilian stigmatist and seer of the Rosa Mystica Apparitions; and many others. These heavenly messengers have earlier announced similar warning in a number of subjects.

The Messages of Maria Divine Mercy have also several features and aspects that make them uniquely Christian and characteristically Catholic; these include: propagation of the Holy Mass and the Holy Sacraments, the recitation of the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Crusade Prayers, the Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups, the Seal of the Living God prayer, the Scapular and Medal of Salvation and other such phenomena. These features are not strange to Christian life and Catholic devotional life. They are found also in other Marian and Divine Apparitions in the history of the Holy Church.

As you read this brief introduction, hundreds of thousands of people are already using the Messages and Crusade Prayers of Maria Divine Mercy across the world as well as the sacramental materials associated with it. Countless numbers of the ‘Jesus to Mankind Prayer Groups’ have also been formed, in keeping with the Messages, with thousands of members and participants. Several websites and YouTube channels have also been designed for the purpose of disseminating the Messages and promoting the devotional prayers. Some of them that you can visit are listed at the end of this introductory exercise.

Lastly, aware that there are many — Catholics, non-Catholics, clergy and laity — who disagree with Maria Divine Mercy and so reject the Book of Truth, I would like to conclude this brief introduction on Maria Divine Mercy and the Messages in the Book of Truth with the following remarks or advice, which I consider important.

In case you disagree with anything that the Message of Maria Divine Mercy says, please remember that you are not the first person to do so. Don’t malign or disparage the work or anybody. You can ignore it and continue your normal life. The book has a tone of authority and discusses serious and crucial issues of universal application without compromise. Indeed, it sounds like the master of all thigs, the owner of the vineyard, the Almighty, talking. But I suggest that you give some time to the Messages and open your mind to Truth as you read or listen to the messages.

Also, if you do not know about the Messages of Our Lady at Fatima, La Salette, Garabandal, Quito, Akita as well as the prophecies of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, Blessed Elena Aiello, Luisa Piccarreta, Pedro Régis, and other Catholic visionaries, then learning about them would help you to better understand Maria Divine Mercy. The link below can lead you to the website where you can get more information on them:

The link above can lead you to find the messages of these visionaries. These materials are already in the public sphere and on the internet. They Are not hidden. I do not think that they are a vindictive or malicious or a disservice to the Church. They are available online and in print for people to access and assess. People are free to share them with their friends or whoever they think should know about them. People are also free to ask questions and inquire deeper about these matters. Everyone has the right to know! Every is entitled to have an opportunity the discern the truth. May God guide you in these matters and in these times of uncertainty!

Below are some YouTube and website links where one can find audio and print versions of the Messages of Maria Divine Mercy’s Book of Truth.

Michael Richmond Duru
13th April 2020



Michael Richmond Duru
Michael Richmond Duru

Written by Michael Richmond Duru

Michael Richmond Duru is an Igboman. From Amaulu, Mbieri clan. His Igboland is in the gulf of West Africa. A priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri. Lives in Rome.

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