Michael Richmond Duru
11 min readMar 21, 2022



1- Recall that on the 13th of July 1917, during the Marian Apparitions at Fatima, Portugal, the Blessed Virgin Mary told the three visionary-children that she would come again to request the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Recall that when this message was given in July I917, Russia was already in the news. The Russian February 1917 revolution has already taken place, even though Vladimir Lenin, Bolshevism and Communism have not yet taken over power in Russia.

2- Recall that on the 13th of June 1929, as she promised, the Blessed Virgin appeared to the surviving visionary of Fatima, Sr. Lucia, and said to her: “The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father, in union with all the bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means”. So, the consecration of Russia, as requested by heaven, should have been made, in 1929 or shortly after. But since it was not promptly made as requested, and since Fatima has apostolic approbation, it is believed that Russia did indeed spread her errors; as we shall also indicate later.

3- Recall that, on the 17th of June 1917, the Blessed Virgin told the Fatima visionaries that, by the will of the Eternal Father, the consecration of Russia is necessary for world peace; that if it is done, Russia will be converted and there will be peace in the world. Recall also that, on the 13th of July 1917, the Blessed Virgin had said that if the consecration is not done, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, and that this would cause wars and bring persecutions of the Church; in which: the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer and various nations will be annihilated. This Fatima Message of 13th July 1917 is the origin of the idea of the ‘Errors of Russia’ and of her consecration.

4- Recall that the ‘Errors of Russia’, almost by consensus, have been identified by analysts as the atheist or anti-God and anti-capitalism ideologies of Freemasonic Communism; and particularly the Marxist-Communist ideologies of the Bolsheviks who overthrew Tsar Nicholas II — the last Emperor of the Russian Empire — and took over power in Russia. Recall that this Communist overthrow in Russia happened on the 15th of March 1917, the same year of the Fatima Apparitions. Recall that on the 30th of December 1922, the Russian Empire was transformed into the Soviet Union, but the heart, foundation, framework and instrument of this new nation was Marxist Communism or Atheist Socialism.

5- Recall that the nagging issue, both within and outside Russia at the time of the Fatima Apparitions, was Communism and that Communism avowedly brings with it many sorrows and strange ideas, such as: the Marxist mockery of religion, mass repressions, mass murders, social-moral disorientations, etc. Also, what Russia did indeed spread to the world, from 1917 to 1979, was Marxist Communism, Socialism and Leninism. Therefore, there was no doubt that the synthesis of what the Virgin, at Fatima, called the ‘Errors of Russia’ were hinged on Russia’s Communism, even though she did not use the word Communism. (But we also know that in other recent approved private apparitions, the Blessed Virgin has linked the Errors of Russia directly to Communism)

6- Recall that as the Marian Apparitions were going on at Fatima, in Portugal, the Bolshevik Revolution led by Vladmir Lenin (particularly, the October Revolution) — which gave power to Vladmir Lenin and enthroned Communism/Socialism and Marxism) — was also going on in Russia. Thus, there was little or no doubt that the Virgin, at Fatima, was reacting to ongoing events in Russia. As it were, the Russian revolution starting in February 1917, did spread and replicate in other countries. An example is Fidel Castro’s 1953 revolution in Cuba, which lasted nearly six years and which gave birth to the Communist Party of Cuba in October 1965.

7- Recall that it was in the same year (1917) the Fatima Apparitions took place, that the first Communist government in history was formed and that the launching pad and stage of action for Communism, was Russia. It was also in this same year that Karl Marx’s 1848 The Communist Manifesto, — which vilifies religion — was first invoked and put into ideological practice. Recall that after Communism took over Russia in 1917, China followed suit on the 1st of July 1921; and from them, Communism began to spread. Recall again, that Marxism and Communism are respectively the protagonist and provocateur of atheism’s Godless society.

8- Recall that, following Russia and China, during the course of World War II and the Cold War, spanning from around 1938 to 1991, Communist ideologies and regimes spread wide and flourished abroad in such countries as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Yugoslavia, Poland, North Korea, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Tibet, South Vietnam, North Vietnam, Guinea, Cuba, Yemen, Somalia, Seychelles, Afghanistan, Grenada, Nicaragua, and even in African countries like Kenya, Sudan, Congo, Burma, Angola, Benin, Cape Verde, Laos, Kampuchea, Madagascar, Mozambique, etc. With this wide spread of Communism and its attendant atheism, together with the brutality and immorality or secularity that came with them, people, began to grasp what the Blessed Virgin meant by the Errors of Russia.

9- Recall that the Virgin at Fatima said that if Russia is not consecrated, wars will spread, the good will be martyred and the Church will be persecuted. This seems to be fulfilled in the high number of Communism-based wars and the persecution of Christians in Communist countries, that history records. Recall that there are way over 100 recorded Communist rebellions and Communism-based wars, from the rise of Communist Russia in 1917 until the fall of Gorbachev and of USSR in December 1991. Yet, the painful vestiges of Communist rebellions and the tragedies of Communist regimes are with us even today — an example is the painful memory of Stalin’s ‘Great Purge’ or ‘Great Terror’, which lasted from 1936–1938, in which over 1.2 million people were killed in the USSR. There are also records that in Communist USSR, Christians were repressed, priests were crucified and religious women were thrown into boiling pots. In fact, the ‘Reign of Terror’ of the French Revolution, was transformed into the ‘Red Terror’ of Communist Russia. Perhaps, the Virgin wanted to avert this by her request to consecrate Russia!

10- Recall that Sr. Lucia wrote in her Memoirs that the Lord Jesus said to her, while at prayer, at Rianjo, Spain, on the 29th of August 1931: “Make it known to My ministers, given that they follow the example of the King of France in delaying the execution of My command, they will follow him into misfortune. It is never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary”. This was two years after the request for the consecration was made. The first attempt would come on the 31st of October 1942. To Fr. Stefano Gobbi, at Fatima, on the 13th of May 1990 (also 25th March 1984, 13th May and 10th June 1987) and to Gisella Cardia, on the 24th of February 2022, the Blessed Virgin confirmed that the consecration has not been properly made and that Russia’s errors have already spread, with its consequences.

11- Recall that Sr. Lucia also wrote in her Memoirs that, later on, the Lord Jesus, again complained to her that: “They did not wish to heed my request! … Like the King of France, they will repent and do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread her errors throughout the world, provoking wars, and persecutions of the Church: the Holy Father will have much to suffer.” Notice that on two occasions the Lord Jesus makes reference to the disobedience of the King of France.

12- Recall that, on the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on the 17th of June 1689, through St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, the Lord Jesus requested King Louis XIV, then King of France, to publicly consecrate himself and France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. But the devout Louis XIV did not do it. His son and grandson — Louis XV and Louis XVI — who were his successors did not also do it. God waited for it for 100 years. But it did not happen! Then deathly misfortune came upon France, upon the French Monarchy and upon the French Catholic Church!

13- Recall that, exactly 100 years later, on the 17th of June 1789, on the same Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Third Estate of the then French society, that is, the French masses, rose up in revolt, declared themselves the French National Assembly and stripped the king, Louis XVI, of his legislative powers. Recall that the infamous French revolution has already begun a month earlier, on the 5th of May 1789. It was in this revolution that the French commoners, captured, judged, condemned and executed the king of France, like a common criminal. This same revolution saw the cruel death of countless bishops, priests and religious women.

14- Recall that Jesus specifically requested the king of France to publicly consecrate himself and his realm to His Sacred Heart and to place an image of His Sacred Heart on his flag and on his coat of arm. Jesus said that this action would give him victory over his enemies and the enemies of the Church. The pious Louis XIV rather consecrated his reign to St. Joseph. His successor, Louis XV, ignored it completely! It was only in 1792 (103 years later) that Louis XVI made the consecration to the Sacred Heart, of himself and of France, in private (not in public). He finally made it as a prisoner in his own palace — imprisoned by the French revolutionaries. But it was already too late, because the bloody French revolution was already raging and on the 21st of January 1793, the same Louis XVI, was, not only dethroned, but beheaded with his wife; and this was not done by foreigners or enemies, but by French soldiers. Also, the same French monarchy which the Sacred Heart had sought to preserve, was abolished.

15- Recall that, like in France, the consecration of Russia has been delayed since 1929. It is almost 100 years late, just as after 100 years of refusing to consecrate France to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, misfortune came upon France and its king. Though several attempts have been made in the past to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart, none of them adequately fulfilled the three major conditions.

16- Recall that there has been a number of consecrations of Russia and the world to the Immaculate Heart, but none of these, quite well, fulfilled the conditions given by the Virgin at Fatima. On the 31st of October 1942, the 25th anniversary of the last apparition at Fatima, as World War II raged, Pius XII, alone, consecrated the world and the Church to the Immaculate Heart, praying for peace. On the 7th of July 1952, he entrusted the Russian people to the Immaculate Heart. On the 21st of November 1964, during Vatican Council II, Paul VI re-consecrated the world to the Immaculate Heart. On the 13th of May 1982, John Paul II invited the bishops to join him to consecrate the world and Russia, but many did not get the invitation on time. On the 25th of March 1984, John Paul II, made the consecration, but was prevented from mentioning Russia. On the 13th of October 2013, Pope Francis did the entrustment of humanity to Mary, among others. All these consecrations were made with Russia in mind, but none fulfilled the specific consecration of Russia.

17- Recall that in an interview, on the 26th of December 1957, the Fatima Seer, Sr. Lucia, told Fr. Augustin Fuentes to tell everyone, that the Most Holy Virgin said that many nations will disappear from the face of the earth and that Russia will be the instrument of chastisement by which God will punish the whole world if we do not beforehand obtain her conversion. Does Russia possess weapons today that can destroy many nations? Yes! But recall also, that even when chastisements have been foretold, prayers and good deeds can mitigate or even abrogate them.

18- Recall that Russia was the only country to which the Blessed Virgin directly attached world peace and the only one she specifically requested that it be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart for this reason. Recall also that Sr. Lucia has said that the Blessed Virgin made the same request severally. It may not have been very clear in 1917, but it is now clear to us that Russia is — spiritually, economically, militarily, politically — very strategic for world peace and stability. Recall that, even though it no longer wears an outward gab of Communism, Russia has risen again, recently, with another kind of ‘Red Flag’ and the world is uneasy again.

19- Recall that, reporting about her encounter with the Lord on the 18th of May 1938, Sr. Lucia wrote this: “But my God, the Holy Father probably won’t believe me, unless You Yourself move him with a special inspiration.” The Lord said: “The Holy Father! Pray very much for the Holy Father. He will do it, but it will be late!” Now that atheist and communist ideologies have already spread everywhere, now that Russia is already economically and militarily battle-ready, is it already too late? Can our prayers still help? The safest answer to this is that: ‘Prayer is never without good effect’ and that ‘Nothing is impossible to God’.

20- Recall that, gladly, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, has scheduled 5:05pm (Rome time), of 25th March 2022, Feast of the Annunciation, for the consecration of Russia and the Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and has invited the bishops of the world and their presbyters to join him in this exercise. Recall that this is an opportunity for mankind to obtain heavenly intervention on the world’s ongoing Russia perplexity. Recall therefore, that you can send reverent words across to your bishop and your priest, assuring them of your prayers and solidarity with them in this crucial exercise and urging them on, on it.

21- Recall that the Virgin at Fatima gave three cardinal conditions for a valid consecration of Russia to be made: 1) A specific consecration of the nation of Russia, 2) by the Pope, 3) in union with the bishops of the world. But recall that everyone can participate in it through payer. Recall that your prayer can obtain the grace that, (finally) all three conditions will be met in the consecration scheduled for the 25th of March 2022. We are not the Pope and we are not bishops; so, the best way we can contribute to the consecration is by prayer. You can pray a novena or many rosaries, asking the Blessed Virgin to help us obtain the valid consecration of Russia from her Divine Son.

22- Recall that there are two prayers that the Lord Jesus taught Sr. Lucia, the principal seer of Fatima, on the 29th of August 1931, to pray in order to obtain the conversion of Russia. Jesus said to her: “‘You console Me a great deal in asking Me for the conversion of those poor nations: Request it also of My Mother, while saying to Her often: Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.” “At other times say: By Thy Pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain for me the conversion of Russia, Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.” Recall that, we too can pray these or other prayers for the same purpose.

23- Recall, above all, that the Mother of Jesus, at Fatima and at other apparitions, have asked her children to consecrate and entrust themselves to the custody and care of her Immaculate Heart. Recall also that Holy Mother Church encourages all her children to consecrate and entrust themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and has given us many formulae and prayers for this end. We can, therefore, learn from the misfortune of the kings of France! We can wary from the adversities the world and the Church have already suffered from delaying the proper consecration of Russia. We should therefore, promptly consecrate ourselves and our loved one to the Divine Hearts of Jesus and Mary.

Michael Richmnond Duru https://michaelrichmondduru.medium.com/subscribe



Michael Richmond Duru
Michael Richmond Duru

Written by Michael Richmond Duru

Michael Richmond Duru is an Igboman. From Amaulu, Mbieri clan. His Igboland is in the gulf of West Africa. A priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri. Lives in Rome.

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