Humanity Lives Under the Same Roof!
1. We Have a Common Home
Let’s examine how it is that all human beings share a common home!
Because all humanity have a common habitation — the planet called earth!
Because all humanity dwells upon the same soil and under the same sky!
Because all humanity lives, thrives together within the same boundaries!
Because all humanity lives under the guidance of the same laws of nature!
Because the common conditions and circumstances of the earth apply to all!
2. Implications of the Reality of a Mutual Earth
Let’s examine the reality and implications of a common and mutual earth.
Our mutual earth makes all men mutual compatriots in the human family.
Our mutual earth makes all humanity members of the same earthly family.
Our common earth, makes all humanity progeny of the same paternity.
Our common earth, makes all humanity equal citizens of a shared society. Our common earth, makes all humanity comrades of the human fraternity. Our common earth, makes all humanity kinsmen of the human kindred.
Our common earth, makes all humanity siblings of the human household. Our common earth, makes all humanity subjects of the human kingdom. Our common earth, makes humanity brothers and sisters of one parentage. Our mutual earth should inspire us to a mutual concern, care for everyone. Our mutual earth should inspire us to a mutual solidarity with everyone. Our mutual earth should inspire us to a mutual responsibility for everyone. Our mutual earth should inspire us to a mutual and authentic fraternity. Our mutual earth should inspire us to a mutual and universal humanism. Our mutual earth should inspire mutual responsibility to the common good Our mutual earth should inspire mutual global collaboration and support. Our mutual earth should inspire sincere all-inclusive development goals.
3. Deeper Implications of a Mutual Earth
All human beings live under the same natural environment and are subject to the same laws imposed by nature; whenever, wherever, however, and by whoever the environment and the laws of nature are disrupted by human activity, in due time, in different ways, it affects everyone and everywhere. Therefore, all those who, with everyone else, live in this our common home, our common earth, but who think about themselves and care about their people alone, are not very wise; just as, also, are not, those who fret and worry about the wellbeing of the earth and the right use of the natural environment, but who do not care about its most principal inhabitants — human beings; since care for the earth cannot reasonably be divorced from care for all of its most treasured inhabitants. While it is worthwhile for man to care for the earth, man must not forget that charity begins at home!
4. The World is Just a Mega Village
Today, more than ever, the entire world can be likened to a mega village!
Because globalisation and its effects are real and ongoing!
Because the world has indeed always been a global village!
Because technology has made the world smaller, nearer and borderless!
Because, without our permit, without waiting for us, the world is evolving!
5. 21st Century Global Integration
Global integration is the goal and the effect of the dynamics and apparatus of globalisation. This phenomenon or process, like an idea whose time has come, in many forms, proceeds in spite of anyone and has become the hallmark of the 21st century. Global integration has reached a degree that the world has become literally a ‘mega village’, easily accessible and traversable by all. The world is called a global village because it is the common home of man — all men and women. And since it is a global village, with or without our knowing it or willing it, whatever happens in the village affects all the villagers — in all parts of the village.
Yes, some may experience the effects of a particular action, very lightly, while others may experience it heavily, But directly or indirectly, all in the village are affected by whatever happens in the village. This is also why the world has been termed a ‘global’ village; exactly for the fact that whatever happens in any part of the globe — good or bad, pleasant or not, in the north or in the south, temperate or tropical — quickly diffuses to all other parts of the globe, or at least, is felt. Globalisation has succeeded in perforating — not destroying, anyway — racial, national, regional and even continental boundaries.
6. Human Connections Have Only Become Stronger
The world has become globalised, the World has become like a Mega Village! Yea1 But it was not these factors that established the intrinsic connection between peoples and places. The linked between all human beings and all races and all nations and all societies, has its first roots in our common humanity and our mutual earth. But it is thanks to global integration of the phenomenon of globalisation, that this natural bond is becoming even more manifest and profound. This is exactly how the so-called Wuhan virus became a global pandemic. This is how dollar exchange rates impact food prices beyond the Americas. But the world has always been a very mega village with many kindreds separated from one part to the other and from one another by so many roads, rivers, farmlands, forests, factories, hamlets.
The world is like a living organism that keep evolving and adapting itself. The world is like a living organism that keeps working to keep itself as one. This process of self-improving, self-integrating and self-uniting is termed globalisation. The technologies of globalisation have made the world a proximate locality, a borderless neighbourhood, a universal village and a single cosmopolis, readily accessible to all. People tend to appreciate the prospects of a universal cosmopolis, but often tend to shy away from the moral obligation towards a collective common good of all citizens of our global village, which the fact of globalisation also implies and imposes. Globalisation presupposes and points to our common humanity.
Michael Richmond Duru
January 22nd, 2022