Michael Richmond Duru
12 min readMar 29, 2022



Dear UN, yesterday the 24th of September, the presidency of Nigeria presented its address to the 2021 UN General Assembly. This address came amidst heavy protests by countless groups from Nigeria, outside the UN complex in New York, against the government of President Muhammadu Buhari and against the falsehood of a UNITED NIGERIA and the monstrous, so-called giant Of Africa.

Like myself, millions of Nigerians, who could not join the patriotic anti-Nigeria, anti-Buhari, pro-Biafra, pro-Yoruba, pro-Referendum protests, have been startled with disbelief at the kind of deceptive impression the address of Nigeria’s ‘presidency’ creates about the country, which they have driven into chaos and disorientation.

Therefore, today, the 25th of September, on behalf of millions of disenchanted Nigerians, I write to alert the UN to take with a ‘pack’ of salt (not a pinch), several of the claims of Nigeria’s ‘presidency’ in that mendacious, misleading speech.

The UN would do well not to take seriously, the claims of a man who has failed to implement even the most basic of the promises he made to the whole world at the Chatham House in London, while asking for global support and for votes, in 2015; including ending Boko Haram in 3 months, ending fuel subsidy forthwith, ending fuel importation into the country of the world’s sixth highest producer of oil, ending endemic corruption, creating 3 million jobs per year, restoring public trust in leadership and respect for Nigeria abroad, restoring the Naira, among many others. Today, the contrary is the case on each and every index. On behalf of (many) concerned Nigerians, may I inform the UN, that President Buhari’s actions at home contradict barely all of his major claims in the address to the 2021 General Assembly.

Such Mendacity!
Such a bunch of Fable.
Such Ruse!
Such a Subterfuge.
Such Hypocrisy!
Such a height of Gimmick.
Such Deception!
Such a magnitude of Lies.
Such Treachery!
Such a show of Falsehood.

We feel obliged to inform you, Dear UN, that what Nigeria’s presidency presented to the UN, in the name of over 200 million Nigerians, are far from the reality on ground. Nigerians are one of the most ingenious of all peoples, of all nations and of all times, it is saddening that her leaders are only good in lying to Nigerians during elections and in lying to the world about what Nigeria has become, under their watch. We wish to QUICKLY urge the UN not to swallow President Buhari speech because they would not stand the test of simple inquiry.

And by the way: which of the Buharis was that? Many Nigerians have asked! Is this the General Muhammadu Buhari who spent 100 days in a London hospital in 2015 or someone else? And which country was he referring to in the address? The Nigeria in West Africa or another one? Dear UN, this may sound preposterous, but indeed, many Nigerians are unsure of the identity of the person who presents himself as President Muhammadu Buhari and if indeed he is in touch today with the reality of the Nigeria he came, as an Army General, to rescue in 2015; as his ally, Bola Armed Tinubu said: just as General Winston rescued Britain and as General Washington rescued America. On this issue, there are many stories from the grapevine. But it is the policy posturing and body language of the man in Aso Rock, that is giving credence to these grapevine conspiracies.

I am Igbo
I am Biafran
I love my people
My people abhor lies
We do not lie to ourselves
We do not deceive others
We work hard
We face reality
We speak truth
We preserve life
We confront issues

We take it as a duty to dispel lies and oppression and backwardness and wickedness. That’s the reason for this alert to the UN. It is not out of hatred or any illegitimate or inordinate interest. Those who thrive in deception, tend to hate us. But they too need our help. So, their hatred does not deter us. The truth, at times, is hard to say. But in our case it is inevitable. We cannot even delay it, because Nigerians are dying everyday because of such deceptions that the presidency created at the 2021 General Assembly.

Truth is life!
But truth is risky!
We know this quite well!

Under President Buhari, truth can mean death or incarceration, like he is doing to Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the IPOB leader. Even though it is risky to speak truth to power in Nigeria, more so to President Buhari, it is yet a duty that we must do for ourselves and for our unhappy people. More so, many of our people are so underprivileged, to the point that they cannot speak up for themselves. Many are unlettered! Many may never learn about this event at the UN. Many have no opinion or control about what happens in their country or even what happens to them. Many are rural, poor, powerless peasants. For their sake and on behalf of them, it is worthwhile to take the risk of speaking the hard truth.

The truth, Dear UN, is this:
Nigeria is a FRAUD
Nigeria is a SCAM
Nigeria is a DECEPTION
Nigeria is an INSANITY.
Nigeria is a FAILURE.
And there’s no exaggeration in this!

Politicians like President Buhari made it so.This is why, today, there are, at least, SIX different groups asking for REFERENDUM to free their people from what Nigeria has become. Nigeria, Dear UN, has not worked for Nigerians.

Contrary to Buhari’s misleading speech: his government has no respect for Human rights. President Buhari has no respect for the rule of law. He does not obey court rulings. Buhari does not like democracy and has been acting against it in Nigeria. Desr UN, President Buhari has countless charges of genocide, ethnic cleansing and human rights violations, against him, both at the International Criminal Court and at the International Court of Justice. Buhari has no tolerance for critics or agitators or even mere civil protesters. He has detained THOUSANDS of innocent Nigerians, yet refusing to charge many of them to court, especially members of IPOB. Buhari’s police chief has asked his officers not to worry about human rights violations in ‘dealing’ with Nigerians.

Armed Fulani Bandits roam Nigeria

On account of such instructions, just this same week, Dear UN, (as you annual assembly is holding) a police officer mercilessly RAPED a University student in a place called Aba. Now, when her fellow students and other colleagues came out to protest against such actions, the police shot live bullets at them, wounding many of them. This is just one in a thousand! The UN should, for the sake of truth, ignore Buhari’s claim of promoting human rights.

President Buhari has not left anyone in doubt about his sympathy and even support for banditry and terrorism. Dear UN, this is not an overstatement. Those protesters in Madison Street, before your hallowed headquarters, are saying the same thing. President Buhari has been playing politics with Fulani Bandits and Boko Haram and this is at the cost of the lives and resources of countless Nigerians. The UN would not need a special rapporteur from Geneva to prove this. Scores of sacked villages, burnt houses, closed schools and churches, overflowing IDP camps, the hundreds of millions paid in ransom to bandits and the largesse given to so-claimed repentant Boko Haram members, will give you more evidences than you would need.

To say the least, President Buhari has questions to answer with regard to terrorism and the merchandising of banditry in the West African Sub-Region. His government has declined to expose and prosecute Boko Haram sponsor. Six years into his presidency, he has refused to evidently arrest and prosecute Fulani herder-bandits marauding the country and massacring Nigerians. Kindly ignore his hypocritical concern for the proliferation of light arms in the ECOWAS Sub-Region. He has done nothing note-worthy to quench the Islamic jihad and economic banditry of his Fulani kinsmen in this Region. He knows what is fuelling the proliferation of arms by non-State actors in the Region, and he has done little to stop it.

Dear UN, after 100 years of Amalgamation and after 60 years of Independence, Nigerians have finally decided that Nigeria is not working and that they need to try something alse; at least to save the lives of the REMNANTS of their people from incessant massacre by State and Non-State murderers, under the watch of successive governments. There are now about 6 different groups asking for freedom from Nigeria. Mazi Nnamdi Kanu’s Biafra (IPOB) is just one of them. All the 6 groups are asking for REFERENDUM as a path to SELF-DETERMINATION. We and millions of voiceless Nigerians are asking same.

Dear UN, for us, for facts: Biafra is the CURE for Nigeria’s madness and in many ways, the remedy for Africa’s mediocrity. We sincerely believe that Biafra is the future! Biafra is the expression of our earnest quest for a homeland: peaceful, prosperous and progressive; a homeland fruitful and forward-looking; where, like other advanced nations, we can give birth to the things that God has given us, as our contribution for a better world.

But Biafra is more than a nation. Biafra is a NATION! Yes! But beyond a geographic space, a spatial locus, Biafra is a MENTALITY! Biafra is a worldview and a way of life. Biafra, we believe, is the form of the unique design of providence, for the re-emergence and the reclamation of Africa and the black family of the earth. The nation of Biafra will only be a launching pad for this renascence of true Africanity.

Banditry is bussiness in President Buari’s Northern Nigeria

Biafra is also a METAPHOR. Biafra is also a concept, a theory of life. The concept of Biafra is a metaphor for the rebirth of Africa. The Republic of Biafra would be a necessary catalyst of integral and comprehensive development, human and material, particularly in Africa’s Gulf of Guinea. It would be a new and better beginning for our people and our neighbours. Biafra would be the political expression of the highest ideals of PAN AFRICANISM.

We believe that Biafra will be a new foundation for Africa’s renaissance and recovery. The ‘spirit’ of Biafra embodies the genius of the black race, its boldness and its ‘mystery’. Perhaps, this threatens the elite in some quarters of the West and their stooges in Africa. Perhaps, that’s why Biafra has been a thug of war. But it is clear that Biafra would be a blessing to the world, just as our people, in spite of the oppression and marginalization in Nigeria, have remained a blessing to the world, wherever they are found. Biafra will be an asset, an advantage, for everyone. We have right to this optimism and hope and we appeal to the Un and to world leaders to make it happen quickly.

Dear UN, we therefore use this opportunity, again, to urge you to address the Biafra question. There’s a force behind the lingering and widening agitation for Biafra, that can no longer be ignored. There’s always a time for justice, a time for rectification. There comes a time when the legitimate quest of a people can no longer be suppressed, just to satiate the political ego of other people or the advantage of other people. The recent events in Nigeria and the worldwide agitations, represent the beckoning of freedom, the call of freedom, for Biafra; and the UN can no longer continue to resist it.

Providentially, Biafra has refused to die! Indeed, Biafra will not die! The genocide of over 3 million Biafrans between 1967 and 1970 did not kill Biafra. The continued massacre, political exclusion and economic emasculation of Biafrans in Nigeria, has not killed Biafra. On the contrary, Biafra is more alive today than in 1967. Biafra was made to be! Biafra has a place in the community of nations. Today, again, we humbly pray the UN to give justice to Biafra, to appease and heal the land of Biafra, to look into the continuing plights of Biafrans, to give ear to the worldwide demand for Biafra. Lest, Biafra would remain the greatest injustice that was not appeased or undone.

Biafra is due for Independence

Biafra has been costly! Yes!! This is because Diamonds are costly. It is because Biafra is the jewel of Africa. It is because freedom is costly! And here, we would like to give thanks to those who have been paying the high price for Biafra.

All thanks to our good GOD
Thanks to IKEMBA
Thanks to MASSOB
Thanks to IPOB
Thanks to ESN
Thanks to all BIAFRANS
Thanks to the friends of Biafra
Thanks to the supporters of Biafra
All over the world
Past and present

Many have died for Biafra! Many are suffering for Biafra! Many are detained for Biafra! Many are paying the costly price for Biafra! We appeal to the UN to quickly come to the rescue of Biafra and the suffering people of Biafra.

Again, I would repeat that Biafra promises to be a blessing! The sufferings of Biafrans in Nigeria, just like the slavery of Israel in Egypt, is a disguised blessing. It has taught our people, how not to treat others. Though in a hard way, it has taught our people what a nation should be and should do for her citizens. After the slavery in Egypt, God gave Israel the jubilee ordinance, so that no Israelite would again be enslaved in the land of promise. Just like the USA, the land of the free, did, as a Colony under Britain, Biafra has learnt in Nigeria, the value of freedom.

The marginalization of Biafrans in Nigeria has taught our people industry and enterprise, independence and ingenuity, determination and tenacity, diversity and innovativeness. The failure of Nigeria has taught our people how NOT to build or run a nation. Biafra will not be like Nigeria! Biafra will be a blessing, we promise! We only urge the UN and the world to give Biafra a chance. Some people are asking for loans and debt cancellation at the same time. We are only asking for an opportunity!

Dear UN, some people say to us, that the things we write or say are a waste of time and of no effect, because we have nobody at the UN. But I chose to disagree, because I believe that the UN has at heart the good of all peoples. I believe that the UN listens to everyone, cares about every people and takes interest in the welfare of all. I believe that the things we write or say, even when they are imperfectly done, can be helpful and useful to the UN or others. I believe our little efforts can make impact. Maybe not always! Maybe not on everyone! But they can bear fruits! They can touch and rouse the hearts and consciousness of the good men and women at the UN, to think of how they can help their brothers and sisters, the Biafran people, who, for 55 years, have been sandwiched and suffering in Nigeria.

Whatever happens, Dear UN and world leaders, our people have resolved for Biafra. We are for the State of Biafra! We’ll continue to expose and oppose the fraudulent idea of One-Nigeria, which has taken the lives of millions of our people and have left the living, defensive, deprived and denied.

We will persevere in this contention, until the good God grants our just desire for Biafra through the UN. And for this, in spite of opposition and even sabotage even from among our own people, we’ll continue to ‘knock’ at the door of the UN and other world leaders. Our desire is both justified and legitimate! Our desire is nothing but a better homeland in the East, in the place of the rising sun!

And we have the right to so desire! Our demand is Biafra! And we have the right to make this demand! We have the right to ask for Biafra! We trust that the UN cares about us and would come to our aid. We bring you greeting, Dear UN! @dururichmond 25th September 2021

In God We Trust — May God Help Biafra



Michael Richmond Duru
Michael Richmond Duru

Written by Michael Richmond Duru

Michael Richmond Duru is an Igboman. From Amaulu, Mbieri clan. His Igboland is in the gulf of West Africa. A priest of the Archdiocese of Owerri. Lives in Rome.

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