Being an Open Letter of Commendation and Appreciation, on Behalf of all those Non-Americans, Who, Like Me, are: Pro-God, Pro-Truth, Pro-Life, Pro-People, Pro-Border, Pro-Freedom, Pro-Faith, Pro-Family, Pro-Capitalism, Pro-Nationalism, Pro-America; — Acknowledging some of the Reasons Why President Trump is a Blessing to all of Us!
To Mr. Donald J. Trump
To all members of the Trump Administration
To all Trump Supporters and Trump Advocacy Groups,
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for being ‘frank’ and ‘forthright’ in both words and actions.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for not smiling when you should be sullen, as fakes do.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for not dancing the drums and thrums of secular global elites.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for being a beneficent trump for America and all of us.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for trumping the left-wing culture of death and darkness.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for the ‘Trump Effect’ on the UN and the socialist globalists.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for peaking the decline of the ‘secular liberal left’ everywhere.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for not supporting research on human foetuses, embryos.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for the US National Sanctity of Human Life Day.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for supporting the right to ‘Free Speech’ in schools.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for opposing Secret Science and its hideous motives.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for standing up for persecuted Christians everywhere.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for bringing back Merry Christmas to the WH and the US.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for graciously combating the ‘War on Christmas’.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for aiding ethnic and religious minorities in Syria.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for resisting anti-Semitism in its many guise and forms.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for standing with Israel and Jerusalem, the Holy Land.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for opening the Churches they wanted to keep closed.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for taking actions to protect the Rohingya Muslims.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for being a figure of hope and help for oppressed peoples.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for promoting religious liberty and the rights of God.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for declaring Jan. 16 as National Religious Freedom Day.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for defending our unborn children and their mothers.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for supporting pro-life, pro-family groups and advocacies.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for attending the 2020 March for Life in support of life.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for doing things no president in the world has ever done.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for accepting the martyrdom of standing alone.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for challenging and curbing the insidious Obamacare
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for undoing the bondage of many Obama policies.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for defunding Planned Parenthood’s abortion networks
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for denouncing the atrocious merchandise of abortion.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for defunding the lying and conniving WHO.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for calling out China and WHO over Covid 19.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for not promoting gay marriage and homosexuality.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for at least quelling the transgender rights escalations.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for holding on to our God-given male-female genders.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for giving America pro-life, pro-truth Judges.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for ebbing political correctness & the political establishment
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for upturning the ‘Deep State’ and their ‘Deep Evil’.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for not siding with the billionaires against the masses.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for clogging the sinister wheels of globalist socialism.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for taming the devil and his allies in bodily gab.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for being an ‘obstacle’ to many unspoken evils.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for promoting the right to religion and conscience.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for saving our clinics from mandatory abortion services.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for the promise to veto Pelosi’s further pro-abortion laws.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for defending the right to School Choice of parents/children.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for defending home schooling and private schooling.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for guarding parental rights and parental consent.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for cubing ‘tyrannical’ atheism and liberalism.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for curbing the rising ‘tyranny’ of the LGBT group.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for not promoting the LGBT Pride Month and parades.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for recognizing the Down Syndrome Awareness Month.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for condemning Down Syndrome-selective abortions.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for acknowledging the LORDSHIP of Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for visiting the National Shrine of Pope St. John Paul II.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for the ‘Religious Liberty Task Force’ on religious rights.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for calling out the lying, leftist media giants as ‘fake’.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for opposing leftist selective social media censorship.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for becoming the light dispelling darkness in America.
Thank you, Mr. Trump, for the socio-economic benefits you brought to America.
Thank you for being the ‘scare’ of tyrants and terrorists across the world.
Thank you for standing up to Kim Jong-un, the missile-man of North Korea.
Thank you for keeping the Bear at bay — Russia and her Communist errors.
Thank you for the courage to confront the Red Dragon — Communist China.
Thank you for breaching the advance of the Red Star — Marxist Communism.
Thank you for shunning the hypocrisy of ‘nice talk’ and ‘coated speech’.
Thank you for not being ashamed to identify with God and the children of light.
Thank you for resisting the plot to overthrow God and expel Him from society.
Thank you for curbing the incursions of Communism and Socialist Globalism.
Thank you for recognizing that Communism makes victims of its own citizens.
Thank you for being a model and champion of patriotism and nationalism.
Thank you for not supporting political and economic Islamization everywhere.
Thank you for 30–04–18 when you told Mr. Buhari of religious cleansing in Nigeria.
Thank you for sanctioning vicious regimes in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, etc.
Thank you for speaking truth about backward countries and their ineffective leaders.
Thank you for fighting ISIS and avenging the victims of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Thank you for calling ‘Radical Islam’ and ‘Islamic Terrorism’ their proper names.
Thank you for the ‘Genocide Recovery Program’ for endangered Minorities.
Thank you for the ‘Persecution Response Program’ for religious Minorities.
Thank you for the ‘International Religious Freedom Fund’ to aid such victims.
Thank you, for the ‘Place of Worship Initiative’ for protecting places of worship.
Thank you for telling us on time that chloroquine can help Covid 19 patients.
Thank you for upping economic action against China, the Red Dragon, on Covid 19.
Thank you for voicing the deceptions and biases of the Mainstream News Media.
Thank you for giving America a National Family Week to strengthen families.
Thank you for insisting that America (and the world) needs strong stable families.
Thank you for adding unborn children in the Nat. Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Thank you for promoting the traditional natural family system and its values.
Thank you for putting back God and Prayer to the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation.
Thank you for the Holy Mass in the White House for Ash Wednesday of 2020.
Thank you for pledging $25m to protect world religious sites and relics.
Thank you for extending federal funding to faith-based Colleges and Universities.
Thank you for ending the agelong denial of disaster relief to places of worship.
Thank you for the many measures you took to reduce race-based biases.
Thank you for standing between the ‘all left’ and the ‘all right’ in the race debate.
Thank you for bending USAID to fund religious schools in developing countries.
Thank you for not funding UNPF obnoxious population control programs.
Thank you for rejecting UNPF globalist lie that man is the enemy of the earth.
Thank you for holding that not all climate change problems are human-caused.
Thank you for criticizing the ‘exportation’ of abortion by WHO to poor nations.
Thank you for debunking the false alarms in the name of Climate Change.
Thank you for helping to bring back the Bible into some schools and hospitals.
Thank you for not letting the right to sex slay the right to life of babies.
Thank you for ‘Teens’ Pregnancy Prevention Program’, rather than condoms.
Thank you for denouncing the UN ambiguity of ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health’.
Thank you for taking action against the biases of UN Human Rights Council.
Thank you for stopping the use of public money to pay for women’s abortion.
Thank you for calling on the US Congress to ban late-term abortions.
Thank you for appointing several pro-life, pro-family, pro-God persons to serve.
Thank you for rejecting the ‘unwanted child’ claim of abortionists and liberals.
Thank you for rejecting the false claim and listing of abortion as a ‘human right’.
Thank you for reminding the UN that abortion is not one of the Human Rights.
Thank you for using your powerful office to defend powerless unborn babies.
Thank you for not using your powerful office to advance leftist globalist agenda.
Thank you for enduring enormous leftist hatred, fault-finding and name-calling.
Thank you for denouncing the Democrats for refusing to criminalise infanticide.
Thank you for protecting the Little Sisters of the Poor and others from Obamacare.
Thank you for supporting the Lighthouse Church against Virginia State litigation.
Thank you for your interest in the heinous Herdsmen/Christians crisis in Nigeria.
Thank you for speaking up for persecuted and detained Uighur Muslims in China.
Thank you for giving aid to Christians and Yazidis displaced by ISIS in Iraq.
Thank you for endorsing ‘Abstinence’ by appointing Valerie Huber to the US HHS.
Thank you for changing Title X Family Planning on abortion to include abstinence.
Thank you for reminding all that ‘Rights come from God not Governments’.
Thank you for exposing how leftist Media are anti-Conservative and anti-Christian
Thank you for the ‘Fake News Trophy’ to expose news media manipulations.
Thank you for curbing media censorship by linking directly to the people.
Thank you for pointing out Google’s connivance with China against human rights.
Thank you for voicing that Facebook and Twitter are turning Chinese propagandists.
Thank you for bearing the sickening spiteful inciteful mockery of leftist comedians.
Thank you for becoming a paragon of pro-God, pro-Life, pro-People leadership.
Thank you for making America shine the light one more time across the world.
Thank you for these things because America matters to us as does a cheerleader.
We know that the ‘left wing’ and the liberals are furious and frenzied at you;
We know that both opponents and detractors are throwing punches at you.
We know that they are in dire straits, grasping at straws;
We know that they will stop at nothing to smear your ceiling feats and strides.
We know that they will point many accusing fingers;
We know that they will bring trumped-up charges and deepfakes.
We know too that you are not a saint nor were you a pretender;
We know it and we appreciate it that you were candid and undisguised.
We know that you have your human flaws and failings;
We know that everyone else do as well have their frailties.
We know that you have not done all that we want or expect;
We know too that no one will ever do all that everyone wants.
We know that we do not like all that you have done or have not done;
We know that you are yet far better than those who malign you.
We know that you may have made some mistakes or omissions;
We know that, yet you remain an unprecedented blessing to the world.
We know that your kind is rare and far between; of the uncommon stock;
We know it and so we value this rare and uncommon moment in history.
We know that another Trump or trump may not be near or may never be;
We know that and so we seek to avail and profit the most of this moment.
We know why they hate you, we understand their horror at you;
We know it is because you have chosen not to conform to the global elites.
We know why they mock you and do their best to create rancour;
We know that men do so when they lose out, when they are wrecked.
We know that you are in the eye of the storm, more so as the race resumes;
We know it and we pledge to stand with you in prayer and partnership.
We know that you have got constraints and stumbling blocks set out as traps;
We know that you are swimming against the tide of the political establishment.
We know there were and there are yet holes set out to stunt your strides;
We know there were and there are yet many hurdles for you to surmount.
We know that you are only a man, with inclinations and tendencies;
We know that you have to balance several factors and serve sundry interests.
We know you did not fall from the skies, but one like the rest of men;
We know quite well that men never get all things all right at all times. Never!
We know that no man can please everyone in everything at every time;
We know that no one can, even if one tries to, even if one works the most hard.
We know that the battle ahead of you is fierce and the foes are legion;
We know that you will severely come under fire; as they are already spiting fire.
We know it because the ‘left’ cannot stand your kind;
We know it because the adversary is already furious.
We know it because the ‘left’ is already sorely wounded;
We know it is so with all who stand with God and Truth and Right.
We know that you may or may not win again as president of the United States;
We know that, yet we will stand for you and with you and by you.
We know that sooner or later you will surely depart the Oval Office and its powers;
We know that, yet you will forever be remembered and revered.
We know that you are already enshrined in hearts and in history;
We know that, come what may, you’ll remain a victor in our hearts and history.
We know these, I and the people like me: who love God and Truth and America;
We know these things, we understand the ups and downs of everyone’s life.
We know that the maker of men and ruler of nations made you for a time like this;
We know it and we revere the angel that raised you and the home that reared you.
We know it, that you are living and serving the LORD’S’ inscrutable designs;
We know it, even if yourself and your lieutenants do not perceive it.
We know that you came to bring in some respite in the battle of light and darkness;
We Know this and we profoundly thank the LORD and you His prodigious ally.
Michael Richmond Duru
Rome, June 12, 2020
I approach and appreciate President Trump and his policies from the background of a Christian religious leader — a Catholic priest — whose Faith is the first target of every kind of persecution everywhere in the world, (at least, since the 31st of October 1517 and since the 24th of June 1717); a pro-life activist of 17 years, a centre-right conservative and a reluctant Nigerian, whose Igbo Christian ethnic group (and Biafra nation) has since the 1960s been victim of unending pogroms, massacres, ethnic cleansing and marginalization, for which no one has ever been held to account. I have seen with great delight, in Mr. Trump, a beacon of hope for oppressed peoples and a paragon of godly leadership for a time like ours.
In the wake of recent events in the United States that have been turned into a political tool and have resulted in bashing and lashing out at President Trump by Democrats and the supporters of the Black Lives Matter group, I felt an urge to remind myself and other non-American Trump supporters of my own orientation, of some of the salient things President Trump has done, for which he should be profoundly appreciated and supported by us non-Americans. I therefore chose to write this open commendation of President Trump, highlighting what President Trump really represents for us; at this time when the same leftist Democrats and global elites, who watch with complicity as evil invades the world everywhere, are trying to turn things against him. This is part of the rationale behind this little effort!